Purpose of Men's Ministry
The purpose of the Men's Ministry is to reveal Jesus Christ to all men in order that God's Kingdom will be manifested tangibly in their lives. The Men's Ministry seeks to sharpen and strengthen men through God's Word, fellowship, encouragement and support as well as share Christ’s love in tangible ways in our community.
Why Join the Men's Ministry?
Glad you asked! During our monthly meetings, men have the opportunity to share prayer requests and concerns or burdens that they may not be comfortable sharing in a large assembled group. This “small group” time is often the highlight of our monthly men’s gathering. Men meet to pray, study and hold each other accountable for their spiritual growth commitments. Our ultimate goal is to have men meeting in small groups weekly or bi-weekly.
Our Three Goals for Every Man
Our Three Goals for Every Man
- Read his Bible daily and journal thoughts and prayers.
- Join a small group for Bible Study and account-ability.
- Engage in personal ministry where he serves out of the overflow of his relationship with Christ and his brothers.

Our Spiritual Commitment
As Christian men and spiritual heads of our households, we are to:
Honor Jesus Christ through prayer, worship and obedience to His Word, through the power of the Holy Spirit;
Practice spiritual, moral, ethical and sexual purity;
Build strong marriages and families through love, protection and biblical values;
Support the mission of our local church, by honoring and praying for our pastor and by actively giving our time and resources;
Reach beyond any racial and denominational barriers to demonstrate the power of biblical unity;
Influence our world, being obedient to the Great Commandment (Mark 12:30-31) and the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20).
Practice spiritual, moral, ethical and sexual purity;
Build strong marriages and families through love, protection and biblical values;
Support the mission of our local church, by honoring and praying for our pastor and by actively giving our time and resources;
Reach beyond any racial and denominational barriers to demonstrate the power of biblical unity;
Influence our world, being obedient to the Great Commandment (Mark 12:30-31) and the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20).
Our Activities
Get Connected. Go Deeper.
Annual men’s weekend retreat~
Fishing, basketball, games and inspirational
and spiritually challenging speakers.
Father son/Father daughter supper~
Quarterly bowling competition~
Prayer breakfast ~
Held on the third Saturday of the month
Monday Momentum~
Held monthly 6:30pm with all men with
food, fellowship ,prayer, and small group
Fishing, basketball, games and inspirational
and spiritually challenging speakers.
Father son/Father daughter supper~
Quarterly bowling competition~
Prayer breakfast ~
Held on the third Saturday of the month
Monday Momentum~
Held monthly 6:30pm with all men with
food, fellowship ,prayer, and small group
Annual Golf tournament~
4-person scramble, good fun, fellowship,
and food in a relaxed atmosphere.
Men’s “Shoot Out”~
Held each fall on the third Saturday in
November - to foster fellowship, and hunting
and gun safety. This is a great opportunity
for men of all ages (including sons -Jr. High
age and above).
4-person scramble, good fun, fellowship,
and food in a relaxed atmosphere.
Men’s “Shoot Out”~
Held each fall on the third Saturday in
November - to foster fellowship, and hunting
and gun safety. This is a great opportunity
for men of all ages (including sons -Jr. High
age and above).