There are simple measures you can take to protect yourself and help us reduce the spread of Coronavirus in our community.
At church:
- Practice fist and elbow bumps instead of hugging or shaking hands.
- Take advantage of our church sanitizing stations, particularly after sneezing, coughing and touching regularly used surfaces. We encourage members and guests to bring their own hand sanitizers as well.
- Wash your hands often, particularly after using the restroom.
If you feel sick or are caring for someone who is sick:
- Stay home unless you are seeking medical treatment.
- Limit your participation in community activities.
- Dispose of used tissues right away.
In general:
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, mouth and others with unwashed hands.
- Thoroughly wash your hands with soap and water as often as you can. Scrub your hands for at least 20 seconds.
- If you are not near a sink, use hand sanitizer. Sanitize all of the skin on your hands and rub them together until they feel dry. Refrain from shaking your hands to dry them.
- Engage in respiratory etiquette by coughing and sneezing into the bend of your elbow.
- Sanitize freshly touched surfaces in your home, school or office daily.
- Avoid coming in close contact with those who appear unwell.
Educate yourself:
- Learn the additional measures that high risk, vulnerable individuals should take.
- Stay up on current events.