Prayer Targets - March 2025

March: The Wind of God’s Supernatural Power
“Prayer is not just getting ready for Christian service. Prayer is Christian service.”
- Adrian Rodgers
"Prayer is not conquering God’s reluctance but taking hold of God’s willingness."
- Phillips Brooks
"Beloved, it is not our long prayers but our believing God that gets the answer."
- John G. Lake
“Prayer is not just getting ready for Christian service. Prayer is Christian service.”
- Adrian Rodgers
"Prayer is not conquering God’s reluctance but taking hold of God’s willingness."
- Phillips Brooks
"Beloved, it is not our long prayers but our believing God that gets the answer."
- John G. Lake
Week 1 - The Holy Spirit’s Work: Examining Ourselves to Bear the Fruit of Repentance
Scripture References: Acts 11:9, Acts 10:34-48, Matthew 3:8
Adoration: Adore and praise God for the truth of his word, adore him for being holy and righteous and that we can walk in true righteousness because of the finished work of Christ. Adore God that as we abide in his presence, he is molding & shaping us into the image of Christ.
Confession: Confess that we practice daily examination of ourselves, that we have a heart posture of true repentance. Acknowledge that we have not always had an acceptable heart posture when repenting to God. Confess that we don’t just say that we are sorry, but our behavior reflects our confession of repentance.
Thanksgiving: Give thanks unto God that all things that were impure have now been made clean through his blood. Give thanks unto God that we have access to God through Jesus Christ, thank him for grace, mercy, and the ability to see our sin and to ask for and receive forgiveness.
Supplication: Pray that when the Gospel is preached the holy spirit will fall upon the people, that god will continue to work his mightily through the teachings on self-examination & the new man. Pray that through UCFM souls will be saved and there will be continual dying to the flesh, pray that through obedience the vision of UCFM will come to pass, Pray that believers would seek to bear out good fruit through repentance and the journey of faith.
Scripture References: Acts 11:9, Acts 10:34-48, Matthew 3:8
Adoration: Adore and praise God for the truth of his word, adore him for being holy and righteous and that we can walk in true righteousness because of the finished work of Christ. Adore God that as we abide in his presence, he is molding & shaping us into the image of Christ.
Confession: Confess that we practice daily examination of ourselves, that we have a heart posture of true repentance. Acknowledge that we have not always had an acceptable heart posture when repenting to God. Confess that we don’t just say that we are sorry, but our behavior reflects our confession of repentance.
Thanksgiving: Give thanks unto God that all things that were impure have now been made clean through his blood. Give thanks unto God that we have access to God through Jesus Christ, thank him for grace, mercy, and the ability to see our sin and to ask for and receive forgiveness.
Supplication: Pray that when the Gospel is preached the holy spirit will fall upon the people, that god will continue to work his mightily through the teachings on self-examination & the new man. Pray that through UCFM souls will be saved and there will be continual dying to the flesh, pray that through obedience the vision of UCFM will come to pass, Pray that believers would seek to bear out good fruit through repentance and the journey of faith.
Week 2 - What Shall We See? Miracles, Signs and Wonders
Scripture Ref: Psalm 111:2, Ephesians 1:19, John 14:12, II Timothy 1:6, Acts 19:11-12, Mark 16:17-18, 20, Acts 15:19, 28:8
Adoration: Adore and praise God for his great works and mighty acts; Adore and praise God as the “I AM that I AM”.
Confession: Confess and declare that the Lord will use the members of UCFM to perform special miracles, confess our willingness and submission to being used by God’s Spirit; Confess and declare that because we believe miracles, signs and wonders shall follow us.
Thanksgiving: Give thanks to God for the mighty power that is available to us through God’s Spirit; Give thanks to God for his love for us, that he has equipped us to walk in the power of his Spirit Give thanks to God that he has promised that we shall do great works in the earth;
Supplication: Ask God for an increased spirit of belief among the members of UCFM, miracles, signs and wonders may begin to manifest among us; Ask God to prompt the body of UCFM to begin to stir their spiritual gifts, lets the gifts manifest and operate; Ask God to equip Pastor Ellis with increased insight, wisdom and spiritual power, let the members receive and impartation.
Scripture Ref: Psalm 111:2, Ephesians 1:19, John 14:12, II Timothy 1:6, Acts 19:11-12, Mark 16:17-18, 20, Acts 15:19, 28:8
Adoration: Adore and praise God for his great works and mighty acts; Adore and praise God as the “I AM that I AM”.
Confession: Confess and declare that the Lord will use the members of UCFM to perform special miracles, confess our willingness and submission to being used by God’s Spirit; Confess and declare that because we believe miracles, signs and wonders shall follow us.
Thanksgiving: Give thanks to God for the mighty power that is available to us through God’s Spirit; Give thanks to God for his love for us, that he has equipped us to walk in the power of his Spirit Give thanks to God that he has promised that we shall do great works in the earth;
Supplication: Ask God for an increased spirit of belief among the members of UCFM, miracles, signs and wonders may begin to manifest among us; Ask God to prompt the body of UCFM to begin to stir their spiritual gifts, lets the gifts manifest and operate; Ask God to equip Pastor Ellis with increased insight, wisdom and spiritual power, let the members receive and impartation.
Week 3 - Amazing Faith that Yields Mind-Blowing Possibilities
Scripture References: Psalm 113:4-5, 93:1, Romans 12:3, 1:17, James 2:17-24
Adoration: Adore and praise God that he is high above all nations, that his glory is above the nations, that he is incomparable; Adore and praise God that he reigns, clothed in majesty and girded in strength
Confession: Confess and declare that we rise in our level of faith, causing us to walk in victory; Confess and declare that we go beyond belief, that we step into active faith
Thanksgiving: Give thanks to God for increasing and strengthening our faith; Give thanks to God for meeting and answering us at the point of our faith and expectation
Supplication: Ask God that the members of UCFM would feed and increase themselves in the spirit, thereby strengthening and using their faith in the spirit realm; Ask God to help the members to believe and have faith in God’s promises.
Scripture References: Psalm 113:4-5, 93:1, Romans 12:3, 1:17, James 2:17-24
Adoration: Adore and praise God that he is high above all nations, that his glory is above the nations, that he is incomparable; Adore and praise God that he reigns, clothed in majesty and girded in strength
Confession: Confess and declare that we rise in our level of faith, causing us to walk in victory; Confess and declare that we go beyond belief, that we step into active faith
Thanksgiving: Give thanks to God for increasing and strengthening our faith; Give thanks to God for meeting and answering us at the point of our faith and expectation
Supplication: Ask God that the members of UCFM would feed and increase themselves in the spirit, thereby strengthening and using their faith in the spirit realm; Ask God to help the members to believe and have faith in God’s promises.
Week 4 - Stay in the Seek
Scripture References: Psalm 27:8, Jeremiah 29:12-14, Hebrews 11:6, Psalm 42
Adoration: Adore and praise God for as the Great I AM that has shown himself to be true. Adore and praise him for opened doors, hearts turned toward him and honor him for his divine nature.
Confession: Confess that we have not always sought the lord with all of our heart, we confess that the door to our hearts are now open to the Spirit of God and to true intimacy with God. Confess that we have not been faithful in staying on our faces before him and denying our flesh, Lord give us a desire to know you deeply and intimately.
Thanksgiving: Give thanks to God for a desire for the presence of God, that we seek a genuine relationship with God and not just the things that he can give us; Give thanks to God that he answers and responds to those that diligently seek him.
Supplication: Ask God to put a true hunger and seek in the members of UCFM; Ask God that the fire and passion for God would burn fiercely and be a contagious fire.
Scripture References: Psalm 27:8, Jeremiah 29:12-14, Hebrews 11:6, Psalm 42
Adoration: Adore and praise God for as the Great I AM that has shown himself to be true. Adore and praise him for opened doors, hearts turned toward him and honor him for his divine nature.
Confession: Confess that we have not always sought the lord with all of our heart, we confess that the door to our hearts are now open to the Spirit of God and to true intimacy with God. Confess that we have not been faithful in staying on our faces before him and denying our flesh, Lord give us a desire to know you deeply and intimately.
Thanksgiving: Give thanks to God for a desire for the presence of God, that we seek a genuine relationship with God and not just the things that he can give us; Give thanks to God that he answers and responds to those that diligently seek him.
Supplication: Ask God to put a true hunger and seek in the members of UCFM; Ask God that the fire and passion for God would burn fiercely and be a contagious fire.
Our Father,
We lift, magnify and honor your name, majesty, power and dominion in the earth! We thank you for being a shield around us, our family, church and those that are connected to us. We ask that your mercy goes before us and follows closely behind us. Oh Lord, keep our feet
from slipping. As we seek you and dwell in your presence, we trust that we shall abide under the safety of your wings. Lord, we thank you for preservation and extension of life, we apply and enact the Blood of Jesus Christ to the 11 systems of our body, to our homes,
vehicles, airplanes and everywhere our feet treads! We thank you for angelic and divine intervention on our behalf. We thank you for working miracles, signs and wonders among us. Let our faith rise to another level that we may inherit and walk in every promise and
provision. We declare that we prosper, that we are in good health and that our soul prospers! We declare life and not death!
In Jesus Name,
Our Father,
We lift, magnify and honor your name, majesty, power and dominion in the earth! We thank you for being a shield around us, our family, church and those that are connected to us. We ask that your mercy goes before us and follows closely behind us. Oh Lord, keep our feet
from slipping. As we seek you and dwell in your presence, we trust that we shall abide under the safety of your wings. Lord, we thank you for preservation and extension of life, we apply and enact the Blood of Jesus Christ to the 11 systems of our body, to our homes,
vehicles, airplanes and everywhere our feet treads! We thank you for angelic and divine intervention on our behalf. We thank you for working miracles, signs and wonders among us. Let our faith rise to another level that we may inherit and walk in every promise and
provision. We declare that we prosper, that we are in good health and that our soul prospers! We declare life and not death!
In Jesus Name,
Posted in Prayer Targets
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