Prayer Targets - February 2025

4 Love is patient, love is kind. Love does not envy, is not boastful, is not arrogant, 5 is not rude, is not self-seeking, is not irritable, and does not keep a record of wrongs. 6 Love finds no joy in unrighteousness but rejoices in the truth. 7 It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. 8 Love never ends.
1 Corinthians 13:4-8a
1 Corinthians 13:4-8a
“When we work, we work; but when we pray, God works.”
- Max Lucado
“God will do nothing on earth except in answer to believing prayer.”
- John Wesley
“Is prayer your steering wheel or your spare tire?”
- Corrie Ten Boom
“When we work, we work; but when we pray, God works.”
- Max Lucado
“God will do nothing on earth except in answer to believing prayer.”
- John Wesley
“Is prayer your steering wheel or your spare tire?”
- Corrie Ten Boom
Week 1 - We Consent to New Clothes
Scripture References: Ephesians 4:24, Colossians 3:12-14, 2 Corinthians 5:17, Matthew 22:11-12
Adoration: We adore God for giving understanding of the new man, for opening our eyes to divine truth; Adore God for the Spirit of Truth & the revelation of who we are in Christ, our true identity & nature.
Confession: We confess the sin of not living according to the spirit that dwells within us and not acknowledging the need to be re-clothed and dressed in his righteousness; We confess that we shall live & move forward in his likeness and the image we have been created in.
Thanksgiving: Give thanks unto God that he is not like man, that he will take his time molding, & shaping us into his kingdom minded believers and that we are doers of his Word as kingdom believers.
Thank God that in this season & time he is molding us into faith filled truth seekers, those who seek to do his will & live according to the kingdom.
Supplication: Pray that God will continue to speak through Pastor Ellis teachings, and the teachings of how to walk in our new man will infiltrate our minds & hearts and the body will produce good works for his kingdom; Pray that God will move on behalf of those in the city of Baton Rouge and surrounding areas to continue to come into the body, and work in their kingdom assignments.
Pray that God will continue to bless Pastor Ellis, Lady Mary, & the Ellis children in their kingdom assignments.
Scripture References: Ephesians 4:24, Colossians 3:12-14, 2 Corinthians 5:17, Matthew 22:11-12
Adoration: We adore God for giving understanding of the new man, for opening our eyes to divine truth; Adore God for the Spirit of Truth & the revelation of who we are in Christ, our true identity & nature.
Confession: We confess the sin of not living according to the spirit that dwells within us and not acknowledging the need to be re-clothed and dressed in his righteousness; We confess that we shall live & move forward in his likeness and the image we have been created in.
Thanksgiving: Give thanks unto God that he is not like man, that he will take his time molding, & shaping us into his kingdom minded believers and that we are doers of his Word as kingdom believers.
Thank God that in this season & time he is molding us into faith filled truth seekers, those who seek to do his will & live according to the kingdom.
Supplication: Pray that God will continue to speak through Pastor Ellis teachings, and the teachings of how to walk in our new man will infiltrate our minds & hearts and the body will produce good works for his kingdom; Pray that God will move on behalf of those in the city of Baton Rouge and surrounding areas to continue to come into the body, and work in their kingdom assignments.
Pray that God will continue to bless Pastor Ellis, Lady Mary, & the Ellis children in their kingdom assignments.
Week 2 - Another Level of Glory / The Glory of The New Man
Scripture References: Colossians 1:27, Isaiah 6:1, 2 Corinthians 5:17-18, Eph 4:24, Romans 8:1, Colossians 3:1, John 1:4, Romans 5:18
Adoration: Christ is supreme; He is the Lord All Mighty; He is the head of the church; Christ is majestic; He is holy; He is powerful; He is our high priest and savior.
Confession: We confess that Christ is the hope of glory and that we share this glory in Christ Jesus; We confess that Christ is Lord, and he is seated in the place of honor at the right hand of the Father.
Thanksgiving: Father, we give thanks for our new position in Christ Jesus, and we are no longer ourselves; Father, we give thanks for reconciling us back to yourself and that new life has begun.
Supplication: Pray that others will receive the revelation of the glory of the new man and begin walking in it; Pray that UCFM continues to be representatives and proclaimers of the glory of Christ Jesus.
Scripture References: Colossians 1:27, Isaiah 6:1, 2 Corinthians 5:17-18, Eph 4:24, Romans 8:1, Colossians 3:1, John 1:4, Romans 5:18
Adoration: Christ is supreme; He is the Lord All Mighty; He is the head of the church; Christ is majestic; He is holy; He is powerful; He is our high priest and savior.
Confession: We confess that Christ is the hope of glory and that we share this glory in Christ Jesus; We confess that Christ is Lord, and he is seated in the place of honor at the right hand of the Father.
Thanksgiving: Father, we give thanks for our new position in Christ Jesus, and we are no longer ourselves; Father, we give thanks for reconciling us back to yourself and that new life has begun.
Supplication: Pray that others will receive the revelation of the glory of the new man and begin walking in it; Pray that UCFM continues to be representatives and proclaimers of the glory of Christ Jesus.
Week 3 - Kingdom Citizen Arise and Take your Place
Scripture References: Isaiah 60:1-3, Luke 17:20-21, Matthew 16:19, Acts 28:31, I Peter 2:9, Ephesians 2:19, Isaiah 9:6-7, Luke 16:16
Adoration: Worship the Lord as Jehovah, as I am that I am, that his glory is above the earth; Worship and adore our God as Elohim, for his supreme rulership.
Confession: Confess and consent that we are citizens of the Kingdom of God; Confess and consent that the Kingdom is within us and that we demonstrate the kingdom daily.
Thanksgiving: Thank God that we are members of God’s royal family and no longer strangers; Thank God that we have been given keys to the kingdom; Thank God that the kingdom is expanding rapidly and with force.
Supplication: Ask the Lord for Kingdom influence in the marketplace; Ask God for territory, that the Lord’s kingdom maybe on display and that he is glorified.
Scripture References: Isaiah 60:1-3, Luke 17:20-21, Matthew 16:19, Acts 28:31, I Peter 2:9, Ephesians 2:19, Isaiah 9:6-7, Luke 16:16
Adoration: Worship the Lord as Jehovah, as I am that I am, that his glory is above the earth; Worship and adore our God as Elohim, for his supreme rulership.
Confession: Confess and consent that we are citizens of the Kingdom of God; Confess and consent that the Kingdom is within us and that we demonstrate the kingdom daily.
Thanksgiving: Thank God that we are members of God’s royal family and no longer strangers; Thank God that we have been given keys to the kingdom; Thank God that the kingdom is expanding rapidly and with force.
Supplication: Ask the Lord for Kingdom influence in the marketplace; Ask God for territory, that the Lord’s kingdom maybe on display and that he is glorified.
Week 4 - Expansion Manifest
Scripture References: I Chronicles 4:10, Deuteronomy 12:20, 19:8, Isaiah 26:15, 54:2, Psalm 24:1, 35:27, Joshua 1:3
Adoration: Worship and adore God as the one to whom the earth belongs, the God who gives increase and answers prayers; Worship and adore God as the God who takes pleasure in the prosperity of his servants, of his plans and agenda.
Confession: Confess that we have not always shown faith concerning God’s promises, we renounce and come out of agreement with doubt and unbelief, we take up courage and faith to receive expansion; Confess that our spiritual and natural capacity is enlarging, that we are now walking in increase and overflow.
Thanksgiving: Thank God that he keeps his promises and just as he blessed his people with new land and territory, he will also keep and fulfill his promises to UCFM; Thank God that he has already made and sent provision for the vision, and we receive by faith what he has already provided.
Supplication: Pray and ask God to bless the members of UCFM with expansion, increase and overflow financially, spiritually, relationally and influentially; Pray and ask God to bless Pastor Ellis and Family, that wherever their feet step there is favor, open doors and granted requests.
Scripture References: I Chronicles 4:10, Deuteronomy 12:20, 19:8, Isaiah 26:15, 54:2, Psalm 24:1, 35:27, Joshua 1:3
Adoration: Worship and adore God as the one to whom the earth belongs, the God who gives increase and answers prayers; Worship and adore God as the God who takes pleasure in the prosperity of his servants, of his plans and agenda.
Confession: Confess that we have not always shown faith concerning God’s promises, we renounce and come out of agreement with doubt and unbelief, we take up courage and faith to receive expansion; Confess that our spiritual and natural capacity is enlarging, that we are now walking in increase and overflow.
Thanksgiving: Thank God that he keeps his promises and just as he blessed his people with new land and territory, he will also keep and fulfill his promises to UCFM; Thank God that he has already made and sent provision for the vision, and we receive by faith what he has already provided.
Supplication: Pray and ask God to bless the members of UCFM with expansion, increase and overflow financially, spiritually, relationally and influentially; Pray and ask God to bless Pastor Ellis and Family, that wherever their feet step there is favor, open doors and granted requests.
We praise and adore you, our gracious Father, sustainer and giver of all life. We commit our lives and hearts to the service of your kingdom, let the way in which we live our lives bring honor to your name. We receive and thank you for new life and new clothes in Christ, by
faith we walk out this new way of living. Grant us grace that our minds would be transformed by your Word. Give us faith, boldness and courage to begin exercising
our Kingdom Citizenship in the Earth. We thank you for answering our prayers for expansion, new territory and increase, personally and corporately. Let the light of
your glory shine upon us and within us, that we may tell more people about the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ!
In Jesus Name,
We praise and adore you, our gracious Father, sustainer and giver of all life. We commit our lives and hearts to the service of your kingdom, let the way in which we live our lives bring honor to your name. We receive and thank you for new life and new clothes in Christ, by
faith we walk out this new way of living. Grant us grace that our minds would be transformed by your Word. Give us faith, boldness and courage to begin exercising
our Kingdom Citizenship in the Earth. We thank you for answering our prayers for expansion, new territory and increase, personally and corporately. Let the light of
your glory shine upon us and within us, that we may tell more people about the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ!
In Jesus Name,
Posted in Prayer Targets
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