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Prayer Targets - October 2024

Week 1: The Call to Greatness
Scripture References: Psalm 8:1, Psalm 32:1-2, I Thessalonians 5:18, Colossians 4:2-4, Matthew 20:26-28, Matthew 23:12, 1 Peter 5:6, Psalm 145:3 

  • Adore God as the humble leader and servant who not only gave his life for us but
  • gave us eternal life
  • Adore God as the All Sufficient One, El Shaddai the God of more than enough.
  • Adore him because he has given us everything we could ever need and has
  • supplied us with what we need to be great in the kingdom.

  • We acknowledge and confess our sins to God for not walking in true & divine
  • greatness in the kingdom.
  • We acknowledge and confess that we have had kingdom assignments that we
  • have left dormant, on pause, and have not walked in our anointing.
  • We acknowledge and confess that we heard the word and did not obey
  • immediately. We acknowledge and confess that we have allowed the enemy to
  • come in and steal what god had seeded into our hearts

  • Give thanks to God for his goodness, his greatness, his everlasting love and
  • peace. Thank God that he is able to do all things, exceedingly, abundantly, above
  • all we could ask or think.
  • Give thanks to God for the call to greatness, thank him because he has equipped
  • us with everything, we need to be great in the kingdom.
  • Give thanks to God that he is the ultimate provider, Jehovah Jireh who has given
  • us everything.

  • Pray that God would continue to bring fresh revelation to the people of UCFM about the call to greatness.
  • Pray that God would allow UCFM to find a new facility that would hold all who want to come and hear the word of the lord.
  • Pray and cover the Ablaze Youth Ministry as they continue to greatly minister the
  • Word through song and impact nations through their online presence.
Week 2 - Mastering The Law of Faith
Scripture References: Romans 3:27, Gal 3:7 &11, Mark 11:22, Matthew 16:8-10, Matthew 21:21, Psalms 1, Gal 2:16, Hebrews 12:2, & Romans 10:17

  • Adore our Faithful God, who is worthy of our praise and worship
  • Adore and give glory to our God who is the same today and forevermore
  • Adore and give glory to the Lord who is good in all things & in every way

  • We acknowledge and confess that we haven’t always been faithful in every area of our lives
  • We acknowledge and confess that we have not always kept our eyes on Jesus the one who perfects our faith
  • We acknowledge and confess that as we hear the word of God, our faith grows and is strengthened

  • Give thanks to God that our works don’t make us righteous, but our faith in Jesus Christ makes us righteous before God
  • Give thanks to God that he does not consult our past to determine our future
  • We give thanks to our Lord because His ways are not like man, but his ways are just

  • Pray that God would cause UCFM to walk in new levels of faith, that we would begin to see tangible manifestation of what we have been believing for
  • Pray that UCFM members will keep their faith goals before God and develop in us the God-like kind of faith
  • Pray that the Lord would make us like the trees planted by the waters that brings forth your fruit in this season
Week 3- The Evangelistic Call
Romans 5:8, Psalm 6:4, John 14:6, Romans 1:16, I Peter 3:15, Matthew 4:19, I Corinthians 3:6-8, 9, Proverbs 11:30, Mark 16:15

  • Praise and adore God for our savior Jesus
  • Praise and adore God that while we were yet sinners, he sent His Son Jesus to die for the sins of the world
  • Praise and adore God that because of his unfailing love he saves and rescues us

  • We confess that we are ambassadors for Christ and that we carry the message of reconciliation to God to the lost
  • We confess that we are not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, we declare that we bold and confident in Christ to share the gospel message in our communities and in the marketplace
  • We confess and declare that we will be ready to give an answer for our hope in Christ and The Gospel of salvation

  • We thank you that we are laborers together with God, we receive empowerment and enablement to become effective soul winners
  • We thank you that because we win souls, you have counted us as wise
  • We thank you for the power and authority to go into all the world to preach the Gospel

  • We ask and pray for a greater conviction to win the lost, give us boldness to present the Gospel
  • We pray and ask for the spirit of compassion and love for those that are lost and hurting
  • We pray for the spirit of evangelism to be amplified and increased in the ministry. We pray for special grace for Minister A.V. Mitchell as the director of Evangelism, give him wisdom, understanding and grace to expand the reach and impact of the ministry in the community
Week 4 - Declare Him as Lord Over the Nation, State and City
Scripture References: Judges 6:24, Jeremiah 32:27, Psalm 116:5-6, 37:23-34, Proverbs 14:34, Isaiah 12:4, Jeremiah 10:12, Psalm 24:1, Jeremiah 29:7, Micah 6:8, Psalm 78:72

  • We Praise and adore you as Jehovah Shalom, The Lord our Peace.
  • Adore him as the Lord who orders our steps, divinely placing us at the right time & the right place for his divine glory in our lives.
  • Adore him because he has given us peace concerning America, the upcoming elections, and the appointed leader of the nation.

  • We acknowledge and confess the sin of turning away from the one and true living God. Lord, we ask for your mercy and the fear of the Lord to return to this nation.
  • We acknowledge and confess that your name alone is holy, we declare your name to be exalted above and among all.
  • We acknowledge and confess Oh Lord that you made the earth by your power, and you established the world by your wisdom. Let the nation begin to acknowledge the greatness, sovereignty and power of the One and True Living God.

  • Give thanks to God for the peace and prosperity of the nation where we reside, we ask for the good welfare of our nation.
  • Give thanks to the Lord for government leaders who act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with God.
  • Give thanks to the Lord for leaders and government officials with integrity of heart and skillful hands.

  • Pray that God would raise up bold believers in the nation, with the heart of God for the nation.
  • Pray that God would turn the heart of the nation back to his heart, that God would touch the hearts of political leaders and those in power.
  • Pray that God would give wisdom and insight concerning the next leader of the nation, let the voters vote with wisdom, courage and prudence.
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