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Prayer Targets - June 2024

Let’s permit the Holy Spirit to speak to us regarding the Kingdom of God’s Agenda and how we are neatly joined (knitted) together in it for a purpose. Meditate on it, and whatever He speaks, listen, and whatever He tells you to do, DO IT Speedily!


My God:
Lord, we stand in need of your new mercies in this day.  We lift our hands to you as evidence of our complete surrender unto your will.  Precious Lord take our hand, lead us onward and give us the ability to stand for what’s right by your standards. We open our mind so that you may renew our conscious and subconscious for great er clarity and the opportunity to possess the Mind of Christ.  Today, Lord we present our body as a living sacrifice unto you, and we open our heart to receive a measure of your grace to display your unyielding love unto others that may have never experienced a spiritual touch from you. Lord, we stand in great expectations to receive all that our life is destined to be in this season and in the seasons to come.


“Gratitude is the seed for More.” -Pastor Mark Ellis

“Adoration is the spontaneous yearning of the heart to worship, honor, magnify, and bless God. We ask nothing but to cherish him. We seek nothing but his exaltation. We focus on nothing but his goodness.” -Richard J. Foster

“A confession you make merely to illuminate the murky corners of your little life may end up lighting the path to freedom for a thousand other hearts.” -Martha Beck

“In happy moments, PRAISE GOD. In difficult moments, SEEK GOD. In quiet moments, WORSHIP GOD. In painful moments, TRUST GOD. Every moment, THANK GOD.” -Rick Warren
Week 1:  Prayers of Adoration to God
  • Praise God for who he is and the wonderful attributes of his divine nature; 
  • Adore God for Jesus and the Holy Spirit who gives us access into the divine nature of the Father; 
  • Adore God for his majesty, his supreme rule and power above all that’s in the heavens and the Earth;
  • Praise God for the works of his hand: the earth, the stars, the sun, the moon, and all of creation which exist and is because of who HE is;
  • Praise God because of his goodness, kindness, patience, and mercy shown toward us even when we don’t deserve it;
  • Adore God for the spiritual gifts that he has freely given to us and the many opportunities that he gives us to use our gifts and reflect who he is in the Earth.
  • Praise God for being Holy and calling us to live a Holy life;
  • Adore God for loving us unconditionally, forgiving us of our sins, and gifting us with eternal life;
  • Praise God for blessing us in the heavenly realm with every spiritual blessing in Christ Jesus.  

Psalms 145:3, Ephesians 1:3, 1 Peter 1:15-17, Revelation 4:11

Week 2:  Prayers of Confession to God
  • We acknowledge and confess that we have sinned against you in thought, word and deed and we look for another opportunity to be more righteous as you have called us to be….Lord we repent; 
  • We acknowledge and confess moments where doubt and unbelief have kept us from receiving your best for our lives... Lord forgive us; 
  • We acknowledge and confess moments of walking according to our flesh (our old man) and not walking according to your Holy Spirit….Lord teach us how to be led of your spirit;
  • We acknowledge and confess that we’ve had misguided faith in other things, people and powers that were not aligned with your will for our lives….Lord increase our Faith in you;
  • We acknowledge and confess that the busyness of our lives have kept us from being in your presence, praying, meditating and reading your word…Lord give us direction to balance our day to day actions.
  • We acknowledge and confess that we’ve often pursued our own purposes and agendas based upon the traditions and ways of men instead of seeking your purpose and plan for our lives…..Lord Help us to live a life that’s pleasing unto you.
  • We acknowledge and confess that we haven’t shown the love and mercy that you’ve shown us toward one another……Lord purify our hearts;
  • We acknowledge and confess that we haven’t used our spiritual gifts to make a difference in this world….Lord stir up the gifts within us;
  • We acknowledge and confess moments of pride and ego-driven decisions that have damaged relationships and pushed us further away from you…..Lord humble us before you.
  • We acknowledge and confess the misguided desires of status, material possessions, people, and power in the world while missing the true treasures of the Kingdom….Lord give us what to desire.

Psalms 32:3-6, Proverbs 28:13, Acts 3:19, Romans 10:10, 1 John 1:9

Week 3:  Prayers of Thanksgiving to God
  • Give thanks unto God for the many benefits and abundant blessings that he extends toward us; 
  • Give thanks unto God for his promises that he’s spoken concerning our lives and the Grace that he gives us to fulfill every word that he has said;
  • Give thanks unto the Lord for allowing us to embrace the fullness of the divine purpose and plan for the Kingdom life that was predestined and assigned for each of us at UCFM who make up the body of Christ.
  • Give thanks unto the Lord for the ability to embody diligence and the tenacity to press forward during life’s certainties and uncertainties as we engage in a focused driven life demonstrated through our New Man;
  • Give thanks unto the Lord for the Wisdom, Knowledge, and Understanding by the way of the Holy Spirit to recognize and operate effectively and efficiently for Kingdom Purposes;
  • Give thanks unto the Lord for the ability to remain focused, deter mined, and renewed in our spirit man to Evangelize and make impact in the community and marketplace leading people to Jesus Christ;
  • Give thanks unto the Lord for a continuous outpouring of the Holy Spirit who enables us to preach, teach, evangelize, heal, and set captives free in their mind, body, and spirit.
Psalms 95:1-5, Isaiah 12:4-5, 1 Chronicles 16:34, Hebrews 12:28

Week 4: Prayers of Supplication to God
  • Pray that our Father would give us the desires of our heart to reflect his goodness to those who trust in him; 
  • Pray that our Father would heal broken marriages and broken relationships within families and friendships so that the love of Christ would show forth; 
  • Pray that our Father would heal our diseases, infirmities, and wounds that have plagued our communities.  
  • Pray for access to healthier food options and wisdom and courage to change our habits.
  • Pray that our Father would root out demonic activity from our streets and deliver people from the influence of evil spirits so that the light of Jesus Christ would overcome the darkness that persist; 
  • Pray that our Father would continue to balance the economies of scale so that there’s greater equity for the marginalized in the marketplace; 
  • Pray that our Father would raise up community leaders, politicians, doctors, lawyers, and many other practitioners in the marketplace who are God-fearing and use kingdom principles in their dealings with others; 
  • Pray that our Father would allow for favorable weather for our region and that violent storms won’t affect our communities during the storm season; 
  • Pray that our Father would protect us and everything connected to us from the enemy in this world and of our soul.  We pray for peace in our inner man and a measure of peace in the world; 
  • Pray that our Father would continue to meet every need according to his riches and glory.  

Matthew 7:7-11, Jeremiah 33:3, Psalms 20:4
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