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Prayer Targets - May 2024

We have the key to access the Kingdom of Heaven.
And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.
Matthew 16:19


Father thank you for your Grace. Thank you for your empowering presence in our
lives. You have called and chosen us to go forth as a Beacon of Light on today and to
represent your attributes in the earth. We continue to surrender our lives unto you
so that you can fully utilize us in the earth realm. As we go forth on today, our prayer is to  
remain diligent to carry out the assignment in the earth that you have assigned unto us.


“Grace is not simply leniency when we have sinned. Grace is the enabling gift of God not to sin. Grace is power, not just pardon.” -John Piper

“The more we focus on who we are in Christ, the less it matters who we were in the past, or even what happened to us.” - Joyce Meyer

The kingdom is where the King reigns. If He is reigning in my heart, then the Kingdom of Heaven has come to me. -Eric Liddell
Week 1:  Thy Kingdom Come
  • Pray that we can see God’s Kingdom already being established in the earth;  
  • Pray that forms of religion and religious practices that are not kingdom centered are being abandoned to the glory of God our King;  
  • Pray that UCFM and its leaders would embrace a Kingdom mindset and live a life that reflects a kingdom citizen;  
  • Pray for kingdom expansion in this region and the world as the message of the Kingdom is preached to all people in all places;
  • Pray that those who choose kingdom would be able to withstand the enemy of their choice and remain faithful to God;  
  • Prat that God would reveal Kingdom assignments to help us live an impactful and purposeful life in the kingdom.   

John 3:3

Week 2:  Prayer for Israel
  • Pray that all in Israel will come to know Jesus Christ as their Lord and call upon his name to be saved; 
  • Pray that the leaders in Israel will be led by the Holy Spirit in how they lead and govern their people and their affairs.  
  • Pray for Godly wisdom and counsel in their dealings;
  • Pray that Israel will have the support from the United States and other allies needed to defend its freedom against nations that rise up against her;
  • Pray that intercessors would continually be on the wall praying for God’s intervention in Israel’s affairs;
  • Pray for greater peace and understanding among the various sects and groups of people within Israel…that belief in Jesus Christ would be the strand that bind them together;
  • Pray for physical restoration to the land and region and pray for spiritual restoration for the hearts and minds of the people.

2 Corinthians 3:14, Isaiah 62:6-7, Jeremiah 31:10-12

Week 3:  Newness of Life
  • Pray that we would embrace and walk in the new paths that the Holy Spirit is leading us into; 
  • Pray that we would die daily to old mindsets and belief systems that are not in alignment with God’s will for our new life;
  • Pray for strength and courage to walk away from people and environments that seek to resurrect the old nature;
  • Pray that we would operate int eh authority and power that’s given unto the new man in Christ; Pray that we would live by Faith in our new man experience and receive every spiritual blessing needed to fulfill our purpose in Christ;
  • Pray that the consistency of our new walk would encourage others to embrace their new man experience. 

Romans 8:7, Galatians 3:27, Galatians 2:20

Week 4: Power of Agreement
  • Pray for a spirit of unity among believers and UCFM as we follow Christ to fulfill his plan for our lives; 
  • Pray that Godly connections will continue to be formed among believers who can be sent out to do the work of the ministry together;
  • Pray for greater accountability among believers who’s relationships have bee cultivated by Christ;
  • Pray against divisions among the body of Christ that would promote disunity and weaken our spiritual bond;
  • Pray for prayer partners who can agree in prayer and manifest God’s purposes in the earth;
  • Pray for oneness in ministry and in Godly relationships just as there is oneness with God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit;  

Mark 6:7, Ephesians 4:3-6, John 17:20-23

Week 5: Grace Conscious
  • Pray that the God of all grace would restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish us to the advancement of his Kingdom; 
  • Pray that we don’t let past sins or past mistakes keep us in bondage when the Grace of
  • our Lord Jesus Christ has made us free;
  • Pray that we would not submit to a sin nature and thereby forfeit the Grace to be free from sin;
  • Pray that we don’t allow ourselves or others to condemn us to a lower
  • standard of living, but that we would be transformed by the renewing of our mind to see ourselves as God does;
  • Pray that we would take full advantage of the Grace that God extends to us daily and that we won’t frustrate the Grace that Christ extends to us;
  • Pray that we would come to know each day as a gift from God and take the opportunity to give full expression to what God has in mind for that day;
  • Pray that UCFM shall continue to be a beacon of God’s grace for the region and attract others by our faithfulness to do the will of the Father.

2 Corinthians 9:8; John 1:16; Titus 2:11-17
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